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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why do computers use binary

- Analog Signal- a signal thats proportional to the value it represents
-your head phone jack saplies voltage to the head phone wire
-when the sound is at high pressure the phone has a high voltage, when the sound is at a low pressure the phone has a low voltage  

-Digital signal
-the adder

-one thing I would like to know more about is the adder

Binary Post

1) The highest level i got to was level 4
2)The hardest part about the game is when you would have to add up all the numbers
3)I wouldnt prefer to use binary numbers to count. It really confusing.
4)each finger represents a different number
5) The computer goes really fast at times, just like the binary game.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Google Boys

At first Google was just a search sight. Then they started to have companies on there website for people to see. After they did that they started making a lot of money. One challenge they faced was for downloading so many things from one we website they were going to be sewed. another challenged they faced was prepossessing and putting all the information into the website (Google). They key was to have a good staff and good workers. Also there advertisement and how they got there name out there. How they got there information is from other reliable websites.  

Monday, October 20, 2014


I did not find Eliza to be human like. She didn't really know how to have a good normal conversation. If i were to make her more human i would make sure that she would have a good conversation with each person. Make her talk and seem more human. I can expect most computer programs to be very robotic. Not very emotional or having any good conversation. I think it is possible for computer to become more human like. They've done a lot already with computers.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


-Contemporary artists such as Sanford Biggers, Saya Woolfalk and Xeniobia Bailey have created works that bring together cultural themes from the African diaspora with science fiction, non-Western cosmologies, and techno-social critique.
-examples of Afrofuturism include science fiction by black authors
-Many performance artists also contributed to the Afrofuturist movement
-Afrofuturism draws on themes from science and technology, many of these art works include math and computing knowledge
-Technology was also an important cultural theme for early breakdancing.
-Toprock, which is performed in a standing position, and Downrock
- The b-boy/b-girl introduces his/her set through Toprock, and then transitions to the downrock through a series of drops.